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Re: R: 3m dish applications

>>> "i8cvs" <domenico.i8cvs@tin.it> 4/4/04 7:28:52 AM >>>
>500 watt at the feed and an overall NF=0.5 dB at 1296 MHz make
>a S/N of about 8 to 9 dB on a CW echo off the moon with a 3 m 

I would like to do 2.4 GHz microwave oven CW for EME.
Yes, I konw that the signal from an oven is very poor and
very broad and full of 60 Hz noise.  This  makes it not receive
well on a narrowband receiver.

BUT!  Why cannot someone with a DSP soundcard, invent
a wideband detector for 60 Hz microwave oven.  Taking the
broadband  CW "signal" energy out of a broadband receiver
with DSP should give "processing gain" shouldnt it?


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