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Re: TF8GX active on UO-14
- Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] TF8GX active on UO-14
- From: "Mike Hooles" <Mikehooles@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 17:07:43 +0100
Gulli needs to realise that someof the European orbits on fact cover Canada and N America. Shortly after our qso on the same orbit,
I was working VE and W, so perhaps we need to help him a little more.
Anybody who is near the East Coast and wants to try for Europe on UO14, G1OCN, G8ATE and myself, G3LGR are happy to oblige at any
time. I'm sure we can rustle up DL, F, ON, and PA at the same time. We are normally all listening on the 1200 UTC pass for the US
and Canada.
Mike, G3LGR
----- Original Message -----
From: "RamÛn Santoyo V." <xe1kk@xe1kk.net>
To: <amsat-bb@AMSAT.Org>
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2002 1:30 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] TF8GX active on UO-14
TF8GX, Gulli, is active now on UO-14. He has made their first QSOs with
OH5LK, OZ1MY, G1OCN and G3LGR and is trying to learn as fast as he can.
He has only try orbits over Europe so far. He asked me why there were so
many jammers as well as people who only call CQ but never listen for an
answer. As you remember that was my main complain after operating from TF,
OX, OH0, and other EU locations.
I hope that he don¥t get frustrated and forget about satellite soon. I
suggest him to try North America orbits. If you listen to him please give
him a call. Canadian stations will have time for long chats with no one
else on the satellite in some orbits.
73 de RamÛn, XE1KK / VE7RKK
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